Apologies for not posting recently but unpacking is proving more complicated than I (short term pessimist/long term optimist) had anticipated, especially when interrupted by a visit to London to continue blackout blind making (not my favourite activity – sewing blackout fabric is not the world’s most enjoyable experience, but when you commit to doing something, you commit …)
In the meanwhile, here are a few more of the vicar’s cards.

David Addison: birthday card for traveller

David Addison: birthday card for a desert traveller (who was I think learning how to clear land mines at the time)

David Addison: a fantasy on architecture – perhaps (for whom we now have absolutely no idea – a good reason to blog these things!)
Knitting progressing slowly, embroidery at a complete halt. Can’t wait to get back to both.
Unpacking is always more trying than we allow for. The Vicar is an inventive and talented card designer!
Nice to hear from you again Rachel and thank you for your empathy. Bite size chunks is the current approach to unpacking here.
Good Luck with the move, I know what it is like having moved numerous times overseas and in the UK. I always try to keep a small bag of hand work with me for any ‘quieter’ times (EPP is good) it stops me getting too antsy!
Good advice, Elaine.
Fortunately I have a bag of knitting in progress; unfortunately, as I neared the end I decided I didn’t like the look of it and have just undone it all! (Never done this before !)
What does EPP mean?
I have read your blog for some time and admire your magnificent embroidery, accomplished knitting and your writing style. I am intrigue to see you are now living in Cheltenham. I also olive here (it is a great town to live in) and was most interested to see you write about a Seddon church in an earlier post. I grew up in Aberystwyth so Seddon’s building dominated my childhood and I’ve always liked his designs. I didn’t know he had done a church in Cheltenham. Which one is it?
Thank you for getting in touch Jill and for saying such nice things.
The church is St Stephen’s, Tivoli and it is in fact a Middleton church (as you no doubt know one of five he did in Cheltenham) – for which incorrect piece of information the vicar heartily apologises. (His excuse is that when he was priest in charge of 3 churches in the Forest of Dean, one was by Seddon and one by Middleton, the third being the ancient Cathedral of the Forest at Newland.) Curiously, in the early 70s when my husband first came to Cheltenham to take up the post of director of the Art Gallery and Museum, he was wandering round Cheltenham and saw that Middleton’s own house was being demolished. He, along with others, horrified, instigated a campaign which resulted in one of the house’s rooms being dismantled and rebuilt in the Bowes Museum (a cursory search of whose website reveals nothing as to its current whereabouts). My husband also arranged for many small items of furnishing (finger plates, door handles, etc.) to be removed and stored in the museum in Cheltenham, but we have no idea whether these are still there. Storage is limited, fashions change, decisions have to be made and some things inevitably are sold or passed on. But then all this is about Middleton, who many not interest you as you’re interest lay with Seddon, so apologies for too much possibly irrelevant information.
P.S. Jill – We are enjoying living in Cheltenham – the town has a lovely feeling and everyone is very friendly.
Thank you so much for the replies. The understandable confusion explains eveything. How interesting about the Middleton house.
Best wishes