Lace edge cardigan (from Debbie Bliss’ s book Simply Baby, Quadrille, 2006)
My second knitting of this charming Debbie Bliss pattern in baby cashmerino (Lace edge cardigan (from Debbie Bliss’ s book Simply Baby, Quadrille, 2006; the first one I made can be seen here), though this time it’s in the next size up. A lovely simple pattern is transformed into something quite beautiful by the lace edging. The lace knitting on the pattern stops at the bottom of the front edges but I think it’s so much nicer continuing it all round the bottom edge of the jacket as well – a length of almost 4 feet, but with both this and the one I made previously there was sufficient wool left to do this. (My garter stitch needs this distraction as it’s not as even as it once was. Curious, I’ve always thought garter stitch was the easy option. I am, however much happier back with stocking stitch which I seem to manage to do with more finesse!)

Lace edge cardigan (from Debbie Bliss’ s book Simply Baby, Quadrille, 2006)

Lace edge cardigan (from Debbie Bliss’ s book Simply Baby, Quadrille, 2006)
Just photos today as we’re expecting family for lunch who are camping in Herefordshire. The nights have been horribly wet recently (and the days more showery than sunny) and whereas I quite like rain at night tucked up in a warm house, I can’t believe it will have been particularly wonderful under a tent. We shall try to persuade them to camp under our roof for the next few days but they’re a tough lot these inhabitants of Aberdeen and we may not be successful.

Lace edge cardigan (from Debbie Bliss’ s book Simply Baby, Quadrille, 2006)
It’s hard to dismay a seasoned camper and they are indeed a tough lot in Aberdeen – but I’m sure a hot meal will have been welcome!
Isn’t it astonishing that the perimeter of such a small garment should be so long. Looks lovely, though – well done.
Campers truly tough and returned to more nights in tents but several reappearances brought them back cheery and not a bit smug.
I agree, quite an unexpected length of lace needed for something so small.