Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino Bk 3 Polo shirt
So much do I love this pattern that this is its 7th iteration. Thanks to Linda Pennell, who reads this blog and offered me her stash of Baby Cashmerino at a wonderful discount, I have yarn enough for at least another three more such jumpers – and happily I have 3 children in mind to receive them! The combination of a nicely fitted collar and a short front opening works so well as the jumper goes on easily over the child’s head without any tugging and should things turn cold, two buttons are just about buttonupable before the child wriggles out of control. Evening television viewing / being read to can continue guilt free as now I can rest assured that my hands will be fully occupied.

Neck detail: Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino Bk 3 Polo shirt
And there have been more things that have made us happy. For nearly a week the weather has been mild, warm and even sunny as Atlantic winds have been pushed off course by warm air from the Sahara. While further east in England cars were covered in a red Sahara dust with us there was just a sprinkling on the dark green lids of Cheltenham recycling boxes, while the car just looked its normal sort of filthy. Our local Co-op has been awash with spring plants and so tempted were we, multiple trips were made, arms laden with pots of tulip bulbs, tête-a-tête daffodils (just the right size for our garden), English bluebells and little narcissi. In a fit of activity I uprooted last year’s geraniums which had perished in the frost and pushed and patted the new arrivals in their place. A continuance of warmth and sun would suit us very well now or I shall be rooting around in the garage for sheets of plant fleece to keep them happy when the temperature drops. My husband even briefly took to the long handled secateurs this morning to thin the hedge where the ivy seems to have been having a growth spurt. Such activity!

Detail: Fair Isle Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino Bk 3 Polo shirt
Another source of happiness came with my husband’s sortie to London for his appointment at Moorfields Eye Hospital. Over the last year appointments have been postponed and treatment for a leaky blood vessel in the eye interrupted. We thought he might have to go back to square one and start on a new course of injections. But no, the leaky blood vessel seems to have stopped leaking, little residue remains and his vision when tested is good. Double vision remains a problem – though the brain is coping well trying to correct things itself – and for that he has another visit to Moorfields tomorrow. It’s due to be just an assessment but we’re hoping they’ll be able to give him the Botox treatment which works so brilliantly. Fingers crossed, especially as he has to catch the 6.48 am train for an appointment at 10.30.

Fair Isle sample (Mary Jane Mucklestone: 200 Fair Isle Designs. Design 187, p.178)
You’ve been getting a lot of use from that pattern!
It’s good to hear of the treatment back on track, too. News to fit the lovely sunshine!
Thank you Rachel. We’re very happy, not only because of the sunshine but also because my husband has just returned from Moorfields having had a Botox jab, which somewhat miraculously after a few days helps to correct his double vision.
I admire the beauty of your kitting skills, so even and neat. Enjoy your garden and the warming weather.
Very sweet of you to say so.
Today is glorious, though cold, so we pop out for little forays to encourage the plants and then be grateful it’s nice and cosy inside.
It gladdens my heart, raises my spirits, to see such a beautiful piece of work. Do keep showing us.
Well, what wonderful encouragement – I do sometimes suspect, readers may think, “OOh goodness, not another piece of knitting!”.
Thank you for taking the trouble to say this, Jenny.