Category Archives: Books: Non fiction

Passionflower and the American Declaration of Independence

This hanging was made as a Christmas present for my son-in-law, a political journalist, who thought these words would be the ones he would be happiest to have hanging on his wall. He also had them hanging in his wedding reception’s marquee (see below) and I hope he was also happy about that, although, I […]

Also posted in Embroidered flowers, Embroidered Posters, Films & TV | Tagged , , , | 2 Responses

The Rose

Think of June in an English country garden and probably the first flower to come to mind is the rose.  The recent Jubilee celebrations (and outing of the English football team in the European championships) have  cascaded us with yet more roses, both real and symbolic until at times it feels like we are being […]

Also posted in Embroidered flowers | Tagged , , | 4 Responses
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